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Outsmart Your Genes empowers people with specific information about how they can use the new medical field of Predictive Medicine and comprehensive genetic testing to protect themselves against almost all diseases. Predictive Medicine can even be used to provide personalized information about a person’s risk of becoming infected by certain bacteria and viruses, including HIV. Below is a short chapter on Infectious Diseases that is available only online.

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To read more about these genes, HIV, Dr. Hütter’s study, and how Predictive Medicine can be used to fight against HIV and West Nile Virus, please click here to join our mailing list. You’ll then receive by e-mail bonus materials, including more content on Infectious Diseases and a free subscription to The Predictive Medicine Newsletter, a monthly newsletter prepared by Dr. Colby to keep you apprized of the latest developments in Personal Genomics and Predictive Medicine.
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Disease Matrix Genetic Report BMI Pythia Approach References

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