Dr. Colby has developed a philosophy defined by three rules, which he calls "The Three U’s," to ensure that your personal genetic information has as much value as possible for you and your physician.
Most people think of genetics as a confusing science, but it doesn’t have to be that way. A cornerstone of Dr. Colby’s approach is to make genetics simple, understandable, and useful even for people with no knowledge of genetics or medicine. He sees his role as "taking the genetics out of genetics," and because of this, all the groundbreaking information he discusses in Outsmart Your Genes is written in a language that is familiar and understandable. The same approach applies to his medical practice.
Dr. Colby’s primary reason for using genetic testing is not to determine your risk of disease but to empower you to change your destiny. In order to be empowered, the information you receive must be useful to you and your physician – you must be able to act upon it in order to protect yourself and future generations against disease. In Outsmart Your Genes, Dr. Colby states that “unless your genetic information is made actionable, your decoded genome is no more useful than a high-tech paperweight. Predictive medicine is the component that makes genetic testing actionable” because it combines risk assessment with personalized prevention. Technologically, we can now start to predict your risk of a wide range of diseases, but the true value of genetic information lies in making it useful to you and your physician so that you can protect yourself against those diseases.
Your DNA is as personalized as it gets, and it contains a tremendous amount of useful information. Unless you’re an identical twin, no one else in the world has the same genetic makeup as you. And your genes not only hold the secrets to what diseases you are most likely to get but also which preventions will be most effective in decreasing your risk of those diseases. For example, while your genes may put you at risk of a heart attack, other genes will dictate whether a specific medication or even a certain diet will be effective in significantly reducing that risk. To help empower you, Dr. Colby has invented cutting-edge genetic analysis technologies, such as the Disease Matrix, which provides you with preventive recommendations that are genetically tailored to your genes. This technology significantly increases the value of Predictive Medicine because all the information you receive is personalized – it’s all about you, a unique individual.
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